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Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (CPACE) provides real estate developers and property owners with an innovative tool to finance construction projects within existing buildings or new construction. With funding from private capital sources, the CPACE program is modeled after other funding methods used to fund public benefits and infrastructure.


C-PACE Benefits:

  • Funding for up to 25% of the building’s value

  • No personal guarantees

  • Up to 30 year fixed-rate funding

  • Lower rates/cost than mezzanine debt or equity

  • No payments for up to 2 years

  • No principal repayment required upon sale

  • Ability to pass through tax assessment to tenants or hotel guests



C-PACE Can Fund:

  • HVACR and Controls

  • Lighting & Electrical

  • Building Envelope

  • Water Efficiency

  • Renewable Energy / CoGen

  • Associated Soft Costs

  • & More


Property Owners and Developers use C-PACE financing to replace equity or mezzanine debt in their capital stack. In addition to offering a significantly lower cost of capital, C-PACE offers compelling benefits, including the ability to pass through the cost of the payments to tenants, no operating covenants, and off-balance sheet financing.

C-PACE works well with various forms of financing including traditional bank mortgage loans, federal or state historic tax credits, new markets tax credits and other tax abatement financing. RAHILL Capital is adept at working with projects that have a complex capital stack.



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