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EB-5 Sponsorship

  • Design and implement EB-5 strategy for Project developer

  • Assistance with structuring the EB-5 Project and Offering

  • Participation in design and implementation of marketing strategy

  • USCIS job creation and investor reporting

Issuer & Lender

  • Formation of EB-5 Fund entities

  • Source foreign capital

  • Manage investor persons

  • Provide EB-5 Capital financing for job creating purposes

  • EB-5 Equity or Loan model

  • Maximum financing based on Job Creation

Fund Management

  • Management of EB-5 Fund entities

  • EB-5 Escrow, Fund and Loan/Equity administration

  • Maintain USCIS, SEC, IRS compliance and reporting requirements


The first step for a Project’s evaluation is determining the minimum investment amount under the EB-5 Program. A Targeted Employment Area (TEA) may be a Rural Area or a High Unemployment Area as designated by the appropriate state authority. The Project’s site and contiguous census tracts are evaluated for TEA status to determine the minimum EB-5 investor capital contribution amount. We utilize the latest published unemployment statistics to determine TEA eligibility.


The required EB-5 investment amount is $800,000 in a TEA or $1,050,000 in a non-TEA area. In order to be designated as a TEA, the EB-5 project must be located in either a rural area or in a location that has high unemployment.

The map below demonstrates highlighted census tracts that currently qualify for TEAs. As one can see, the City of San Diego and even areas downtown meet the requirements.

Project Due Dilligence

In order for us to begin structuring an EB-5 program, it is necessary for us to build an in-depth understanding of the Project, its development timeline and its funding needs and timing. To accomplish this, we typically would need to review the following materials:

  • Pro forma cash flow model

  • Proposed sources and uses of funds

  • Development timeline

  • Business plan

  • Market information

  • Relevant risk factors to the project’s timing, funding, and feasibility

Center Term Sheet and Sponshorhip

Based on the documents and additional follow-up with the Project team, we will then enter into negotiations to draft and execute a term sheet.

EB-5 Feasibility and Offering Design

We work with the Project team to determine the timing, sizing, and marketability of an EB-5 loan. This involves the engagement and management of the required EB-5 professionals including an EB-5 economist, immigration attorney, securities attorney, EB-5 business plan writer, etc.

A number of documents prepared by several professional groups are required for a successful EB-5 Project submission. For well prepared Project, a typical timeline from data gathering to a Project ready to subscribe investors is 2-3 months. We have established channels and experienced EB-5 service providers who offer significant discounts due to volume of work provided by San Diego EB-5 Regional Center efforts.

  • TEA Support Letter

  • Economic Impact Analysis

  • EB-5 Business Plan

  • EB-5 Marketing Materials

  • Regional Center Agreement

  • Private Placement Memorandum

  • Subscription Agreement

  • Limited Partnership Agreement

  • EB-5 Loan Agreement

  • Escrow Agreement

Project owners are sent the San Diego EB-5 Regional EB-5 Project information request (Request) and a protected online folder is created to manage and gather Project materials and shared with each party involved in real time.

After the project is Sponsored by the Regional Center, is fully documented, and the marketing materials are put in place, the Project is marketed abroad. It’s not a simple process, but with some guidance from experienced service providers, a developer can get their project into the market relatively quickly and cost effectively.

Market EB-5 Offering

After the project is Sponsored by the Regional Center, is fully documented, and the marketing materials are put in place, the Project is marketed abroad. It’s not a simple process, but with some guidance from experienced service providers, a developer can get their project into the market relatively quickly and cost effectively.

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